Website images make the page pop. Text alone is just drab. So, how do you find the right image? And do these have any effect on SEO? Website Images Galore! You may still only be using self-generated images. That’s fine, if it is by choice. But did you know that people are constantly creating and …
Favorite WordPress Security Plugins
Having the right WordPress Security plugins on your site just makes good business sense. Creating and maintaining a website is an investment of time and money. Why leave it open to the risk of getting compromised? Detractors of WordPress claim that the openness of the source code makes it a poor choice as a content management system. …
Nexus 7 vs iPad Mini Battle
Mini tablets are now mainstream. With Google’s Nexus 7 tablet, Apple’s new iPad mini and Amazon’s Fire, the battle is on for market share as we head into the holiday buying season. Price tags aside, I suggest you first figure out what you want the device to do. Otherwise you’ll get lost in the marketing …
Teaching Kids at Stanford University
Last weekend Massimo taught at Stanford University’s Splash program. It brings middle school and high school students from all over the Bay Area for a unique two-day event. Organized by Stanford students (Educational Studies Program), the purpose is to provide a learning experience not typically covered in a classroom setting. Topics vary widely as Splash …
Demystifying the SERPs
If you’ve been working on your business’ SEO for a while, no doubt you’ve heard the acronym SERP a zillion times. Literally, it stands for Search Engine Results Page. But that is not enough, because the real meaning lies in the SERPs contents, and in how they were chosen to be SERPs. Every search engine …
Quotes, Duplicate Content and SEO
Duplicate content and SEO continues to be a topic of discussion especially in light of continuing Google search updates. Should you be concerned about quoting a great source in your web marketing generation efforts? No, as long as you follow a few simple rules. Googler Matt Cutts recommends using block quotes and linking back to the original source. Having a string of quotes …
WordPress Security Compliance
WordPress security is as strong as you make it. The tools and strategies are readily available, and many even automated. Yet, hackers still succeed mostly because so many site owners either aren’t aware of best practices or simply don’t comply. Basic WordPress Security is Simple. The most important principle, emphasized by all internet security experts, is limiting …
5 Web Design Tips Using the F-Layout
Generating more online sales (or at least leads) via a website is typically on the top of our client’s to-do list. Believe it or not, web design plays a key role in lead generation performance. Without realizing it, many businesses place calls-to-action where visitors will never see them. Web Design Using F-Layout Website visitors read web …
Web Content Marketing Buzz
Plenty of buzz about web content marketing these days, but what is it? Sales-driven content. This is web content created for the sole implicit purpose of marketing a product or company, and attracting potential sales. These are articles, videos and info-graphics that appeal to a target audience as authoritative and even confidence-building. Think the opposite …
Disavow Links Tool Now Available
As many of you know, I’m a staunch White Hat SEO practitioner. Anything else in my mind is cheating. So imagine my excitement when Google announced this week they launched a Disavow Links Tool. Let me explain. Some Black Hatters try to sabotage their competition, pushing down their SEO rankings by some pretty sneaky… and in …