Updated March 3, 2025
Reading Time: 2 minutes
How To Consistently Write Great Content
Content is the backbone of online marketing. It keeps your customers engaged, drives new users to your website, and educates leads on your products. If you don’t have enough good quality content on your website you won’t rank in Google, and even if you did, your leads wouldn’t have anything to do when they did find your website.
Consistently Write Great Content That People Want
Consistently creating content regularly isn’t easy but there are a few things you can do to keep up a steady flow of good content. Read below to see our 4 top tips to see how:
1. Develop a Voice – Think about your company, your target buyers and the platforms you communicate through. Then develop a persona explains where your content is coming from. This persona should have your voice (because otherwise, it will not seem authentic) but should also take into account the platform you’re talking on, and stay consistent throughout your communication. If you want to write a cool blog that speaks to younger customers, great. But don’t change the tone to a more scholarly educational one after two weeks or post that content on LinkedIn.
2. Avoid the Passive Voice – This is a little bugbear of ours. The passive voice… Avoid it at all cost. Wherever possible write about you, us, we, our, or I. Doing this pulls the reader into your content and makes them feel more involved in what you’re writing about. As an aside, shorter, clearer less complicated sentences are usually a winner (do as I say, not as I do…).
3. Always Copy-Edit – This one is pretty obvious, but if you read as much content as we do you’d be surprised how many mistakes you can find. Mistakes on a Facebook or Twitter post may be forgiven occasionally, but mistakes on a website page or regular mistakes on blog posts won’t be. Poor writing style, grammar, typos and spelling problems are all part of the editing process. Nothing comes out perfect, and no matter how tight your deadlines are you always have time to give something a second read before hitting the publish button.
4. Let Technology Help – When looking at the above you’re probably thinking “Great, I didn’t have enough time to write before, and now you’ve made it look even more complicated”. Well, don’t fear, technology is here! There are a number of great little apps you can use to help your writing. Grammarly is one that helps your grammar (surprisingly). It will work in your browser and flags up any grammar issues it spots. Another is the Hemingway App. Hemingway App is designed to keep your writing concise and to the point. Avoiding any complex run on sentences. Another app that can help you when writing is the Co-Schedule Headline Writer. This little app helps you get all of the SEO juice out of your headline, maximizing the value of your post.
I hope that you’ve found our 4 tips on content creation useful. What do you do to make sure your content is engaging and easy to read? Do you have a checklist of things to do when writing a blog post to ensure you write great content?