I recently read a Forbes article predicting the Death of SEO within two years. What a dramatic and polarizing statement. I love it. Woah… how can a digital marketer actually look forward to the demise of SEO? For these three reasons: 1. SEO Shysters Will Be Exposed As a legitimate online marketing agency, we are compared with …
Blog Traffic: Attraction Factor – Part 2
Attracting Followers & Filling Your Funnel Here’s part two on how to gather your crowd for your website and increase blog traffic. In Blog Traffic Attraction Factor Part 1, the first tip talked about why consistently published content is important for SEO rankings and gaining followers. Two is all about encouraging comments while 3 and …
Blog Traffic: Attraction Factor – Part 1
The Reality of Getting Visitors to Your Site “Build it and they will come” may work for baseball stadiums. For driving blog traffic… not so much. Unless you already have a huge following on another platform, be prepared to build your visitor traffic over time. How much time depends upon a number of factors. Follow …
Blog Writing to Encourage Comments
7 Ways to Get Engagement Consistent blog writing is one way to build SEO juice. Getting comments on your blog tell search engines that you’re creating relevant content. Hopefully your website is building visitor traffic. Even so, you may not be getting the engagement you want or need. According to Neilson Norman Group, a user …
SEO Writing Introduction
SEO writing is different than marketing copy writing. When we on-board new clients they seem to be surprised at what’s involved in writing effectively on the Web. It’s not uncommon for us to see that they’ve simply lifted marketing brochure copy and plunked it on their website. Even if it has been professionally written, printed …
Google Panda Returns
Google Panda was unleashed in 2011, causing unrest and havoc to unsuspecting webmasters everywhere. Well, Google Panda the sequel (actually it’s number 25) will appear at websites near you. Matt Cutts announced at SMX last week that the final manual to Panda will take effect soon. Google continually updates their algorithm, implementing changes that foil …
Google Glass: Hip or Hype?
At last year’s Google I/O I got a glimpse of Google Glass, the augmented-reality spectacles. If you missed last week’s deadline to apply for the honor of becoming a Glass Explorer, don’t worry… you may be able to purchase them in retail stores by the end of 2013. What cool features does Google Glass offer? …
SEO Tools: Fooling Google?
Using On Page Optimization Tools Wisely Recently I pondered the question “can an SEO consultant become so good at fooling his SEO tools, but not really fooling Google?” We use various tools and have gotten so good at them that we rarely get low optimization scores. Many SEO Tools are guessing at Google’s algorithm. We happen …
Groupon Marketing: Heroine or Heroin?
Tips to Structuring Groupon Deals for Success Groupon email marketing (and other similar services like AmazonLocal and SweetJack) can be a heroine for businesses looking to get the word out about their products and services. However, Groupon can be like heroin if not done right. I’ve seen small businesses, in the quest of getting a much-needed cash …
Common Content Marketing Mistakes
6 Content Marketing Missteps to Avoid Content marketing is such a broad term that most people have no idea what it means. It is the term for creating written/visual content and sharing it, for a purpose. So for example you may create an article to sell cheese, and sell the article to cheese manufacturers. That’s …