Updated February 28, 2025
Reading Time: 2 minutes
In 2011 social media became even more mainstream as part of eMarketing strategies. Yet, measuring social media
efforts can still be elusive for some businesses. By its very nature calculating Social Media ROI can be a mathematical challenge. To determine if the money you’ve spend is worth it, requires you to look at the problem of tracking with a broader view. Even so, there are numerous tools you can use to make sure that your social media is pulling its marketing weight.
1. Track Links
Most likely you are shortening links for Twitter and Facebook posts, especially if they are enticing visitors to your website and/or marketing blog. Tools like bit.ly and goo.gl go offer a way to track your links to see what sources draw traffic. so next time you make posts to various social media, track the various links. If you are a super-user of Google Analytics (or have a techie on staff), you can see what draws in visitors and engages them.
What is a client testimonial worth? Probably it’s weight in gold because it demonstrates your company’s value through the words and sentiment of a raving fan. In this digital world, if customers are willing to engage and advocate they are a great source of referrals. As you sign on new clients, track how they were referred to you.
3. Efficiency vs. ROI
Social media is a way to efficiently reach out to a broad audience. According to CopyBlogger’s article of social media marketing ROI, “Marketing is a process of decreasing the time, money and resources required to communicate with customers and make it easy for them to buy products and service.”
Do you make it easy for customers and prospects to connect and buy from you? Tell us how you do it.