Updated November 20, 2023
Reading Time: 2 minutes
At last! The final installment of 8 things businesses need to know about social media management (see part 1 and part 2 to catch up on the conversation). And as a reward for your patience, we added a bonus tip.
7. Be Social!
When people retweet you, do you thank them back? Remember all the stuff your mom told you when you were little? Well, apply it here. Be courteous. When you have something nice to say, say it. Otherwise, zip it. Wash your hands and come in for dinner. Don’t be one of those businesses where you’re just broadcasting. Give freely and often. One of the goals of social media management is to ensure you business is demonstrating generosity. Done well over time and it will increase your businesses influence… and get you retweeted.
8. Increase Your Reach
Make it a habit to increase your network. Go out and talk to people outside your clique, area of expertise or comfort zone. You’d be amazed at the traction you can get by talking with an audience that your competition is ignoring. Of course, be sure to follow tip #2 or they’ll just think you’re weird. Be creative in how you reach out to others and they will respond in kind.
And for the bonus round…
9. Alerts
A simple tool for social media management is an alert. Businesses can quickly and easily monitor any social media activity about their company, industry or competition. There are free alert tools like Social Mention and Google Alerts (or by using the alert capabilities of your social media monitoring software). These alerts can set up in minutes and have them delivered to your email inbox or RSS reader.
Have you set up your social media management strategy? What would you add to our list?
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Not sure your Social Media Marketing is pulling its weight? Not sure how to put “engagement” in Customer Engagement?
We are the spectrum group, and we offer strategic and tactical consulting so you can monetize your online presence. Call us for a complimentary 30-minute consultation to discuss your online revenue goals and how to achieve them.