Updated June 17, 2022
Reading Time: < 1 minuteRecent Algo Changes Affect SEO Rankings
Google Webmaster Help just released a video yesterday. It was filmed early in the summer and Matt Cutts alluded to the waves of the algorithm changes (Hummingbird) that were headed to SEO ranking shores in September. If you’re familiar with these videos, Matt takes a question from Webmasters from all over the world. Kind of like a fireside chat with the big G’s Webspam honcho.
What Was the Question, Again?
“Since Google has been actively updating its search results, it is hard for people to trust Google anymore. Should one start focusing on getting leads from social media other than search engine results?”
Gotta love folks who ask the same darn SEO ranking question with a slightly different twist or bit of attitude.
Basic Recap
- Google will continue to change its algorithm to fight Webspam. Its mission is to produce quality results to human searchers… not promise organic SEO ranking for businesses. (Want a guarantee? Try AdWords. Otherwise, buckle up.)
- Expect lots of changes and SEO ranking fluctuations. It’s the nature of the beast.
- Quality content, that people want to read and share, is rewarded.
- It’s good business to diversify your marketing.
- Basically it was another rehashing of “follow Google’s quality guidelines,” dummy.
Why do you think some Webmasters keep asking the same SEO ranking question over and over hoping for a different answer?