Just in time for the holidays, WordPress.org is getting ready to deliver WordPress 3.5. It’s not quite bug-free (about 12 or so issues remain to be fixed), but it is available for download. Beware, it’s not ready for live sites yet. It’s meant for developers and development servers only as it’s in test mode. They …
Google Plus Stats & Infographic
There are some doubters that Google Plus will ever become a major player in the social network arena. According to BGR, Google Plus now has 400 million users, 100 million of them active. We think once folks get more comfortable with its features (like Hangouts, Circles, and the +1 Button), the percentage of active users will …
GA Enhanced Link Attribution
Enhanced link attribution was announced last week for Google Analytics. Since links can dramatically affect SEO ratings, I thought it was important to hit the highlights. But first, let me explain the issues this update solves. Before In-Page Analytics only showed clickthrough info by URL, meaning it didn’t show the actual link on the page. This was …
Favorite WordPress Security Plugins
Having the right WordPress Security plugins on your site just makes good business sense. Creating and maintaining a website is an investment of time and money. Why leave it open to the risk of getting compromised? Detractors of WordPress claim that the openness of the source code makes it a poor choice as a content management system. …
Quotes, Duplicate Content and SEO
Duplicate content and SEO continues to be a topic of discussion especially in light of continuing Google search updates. Should you be concerned about quoting a great source in your web marketing generation efforts? No, as long as you follow a few simple rules. Googler Matt Cutts recommends using block quotes and linking back to the original source. Having a string of quotes …
Disavow Links Tool Now Available
As many of you know, I’m a staunch White Hat SEO practitioner. Anything else in my mind is cheating. So imagine my excitement when Google announced this week they launched a Disavow Links Tool. Let me explain. Some Black Hatters try to sabotage their competition, pushing down their SEO rankings by some pretty sneaky… and in …
Google Search October Update
On the heels of recent algorithm changes, Google search has undergone another major change. The latest update is good news for the human user, a change that Google has been working on since January. Have you landed on a page where the content is buried in a sea ads? Annoying, right? If your website does …
Website Page Speed & SEO
If you’re concentrating on building SEO rankings then you need to pay attention to website page speed. It matters more than you think… and will continue to increase in importance. Google just announced they transitioned mod_pagespeed out of beta. In Google’s quest to make the web faster, they’ve been working on improving this open-source Apache …
WordPress and SEO (.com or .org)
WordPress and SEO can be a confusing combo, especially if you don’t understand the difference between WP.com and WordPress.org. When creating a website (or a blog), your WP platform is a critical piece of the puzzle. As an analogy, it’s like leasing a car versus buying one. They each have their pluses and minuses. Choosing …
Google Search Changes
65 Google Search changes were implemented in August and September that affect search quality. Yowsa, those Googlers have been busy. Most of the changes on this Google list are fairly minor. However, there are a few biggies that are suspiciously absent. For example, the exact match domain update and a new Panda update were tweeted but aren’t …